Lower Body Scan
Thermography has zero radiation is non-invasive, painless and FDA cleared. A simple test of physiology and function that looks for thermal abnormalities in the body to indicate early or established disease processes or pathology. DITI also excels in monitoring rehabilitation to treatments or therapies.
Head and Neck views include sinuses, arteries, dental, thyroid, lymphatic, and autonomic as well as any indications of inflammation or infection that can affect the immune system.
Abdominal findings include colon inflammation that can indicate IBS, leaky gut, diverticulitis and other risk factors that justify colonoscopy or preventative treatment.
Neck, Back, Upper and Lower Extremities benefit from thermography as it is a useful tool in pain investigations in difficult to diagnose referred pain syndromes caused by myofascial trigger points, spinal, neurological and vascular entrapment dysfunctions, pre diabetic conditions and vascular insufficiencies.
Every report is interpreted by a certified doctor. A standard region of interest exam takes approximately 15 minutes. Full body exams take from 30 minutes to complete.
- Stroke screening
- Digestive disorders
- Artery Inflammation
- Vascular disease
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Back injuries
- Arthritis
- Headache
- Nerve damage
- Unexplained pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Dental and TMJ
- Disc disease