Breast Imaging – Initial Baseline

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Breast Imaging – Initial Baseline


Every woman after puberty develops her own breast patterns.  These patterns are unique to her and should not change. These patterns are referred to as a thermal fingerprint or a thermal signature.  Only a developing pathology will effect a change to a woman’s breast patterns.  This may be benign processes such as fibrocystic breasts or hormonal imbalances or malignant or cancerous processes.   Vascular and lymphatic changes are associated with early stage malignancies.  These initial risk markers can lead to preventative measures as preemptive action in addressing pathologies or early detection can assist in earlier diagnosis, better treatment options and ultimately a better outcome.  A baseline must be established with two scans three months apart the first year before proceeding to annual scans.



*Thermography pricing includes interpretation of the images with Medical Doctors and/or Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine that are board certified by the American College of Clinical Thermology.  Each client receives a copy of their report and images electronically, as well as the option to have the report and images sent to one physician of their choosing.

Southwest Medical Thermal Imaging & Ultrasound, LLC is a uniquely integrative clinic; offering the best of physiology and functional testing with thermography and structural screening with diagnostic medical ultrasound. Each of these modalities is noninvasive and radiation free.

Our exam and reporting protocols are fully HIPAA compliant.

While we always promote the involvement of your practitioner or health care professional, no referrals are needed for our services

Our Locations


Bennett Chiropractic & Wellness Center
3725 Bonita Beach Rd SW #4
Bonita Springs, FL 34134


Bennett Chiropractic & Wellness Center
3725 Bonita Beach Rd SW #4
Bonita Springs, FL 34134


Axis Natural Medicine
7680 Cambridge Manor Place, Suite 100
Fort Myers, FL 33907